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2017 New IBM Certification C2090-621 IBM Cognos Analytics Author V11 Practice Exam Questions
A report author created a crosstab as shown below:
<#Product line#>
<#Product line#>
The crosstab report, when run, shows the following data: The author wants to split the revenue for each region by year.Where should the year data item be added?
A. Below Region using a horizontal drop zone.
B. Above Region using a horizontal drop zone.
C. To the left of Region using a vertical drop zone.
D. To the right of Region using a vertical drop zone.
Answer: D
A report author wants to enhance a report by having the ability to display the data by region and filter by Order method (where Order method includes: Email, Fax, Post, Sales rep, Promo, Phone, Web site).
How can this be accomplished?
A. Select On-demand toolbar > Select checkbox group> Add default values
B. Select Button Bar control >Go to properties> Change User interface to checkbox
C. Create a parameterized filter from the order_method > Manually populate the parameterized
D. Select the Button Bar control > From the on-demand toolbar > Click the ellipsis > Point to convert control> Click check box group
Answer: A
A report author has applied one style in specific cells, and another style for the overall report.Which style will be applied?
A. The style on the specific cell is applied.
B. The style on the overall report is applied.
C. The last style in the Conditional styles property is applied.
D. The first style in the Conditional styles property is applied.
Answer: C
A report author wants to nest a chart within a list and filter the chart data to relate to the row of the list that it is displayed in.How can this be done?
A. Enable share result set on the list object.
B. Create a join in the Query explorer to merge the data.
C. Select the list and define a Master detail relationship.
D. Select the chart and define a Master detail relationship.
Answer: DIBM C2090-621 test is carefully organized at Killtest by the highly Professional certified. At Killtest you will be able to find very much exam related materials for IBM C2090-621 test. Killtest is a reliable source of in formation for the candidates who want to take the exam. Once you have studied Killtest IBM C2090-621 Study Materials, you will not have to look for other tests since our product alone will equip you with the knowledge of a multiple test experience, making passing C2090-621 IBM Cognos Analytics Author V11 in first attempt a certainty for you. The certified candidate of IBM C2090-621 Study Materials has a lot of scope and demand in the IT industry and especially in the IBM technology. To pass IBM C2090-621 test, you need to have IBM C2090-621 Study Materials, which will help you pass your C2090-621 IBM Cognos Analytics Author V11 certification. This kind of help is provided by IBM C2090-621 test Killtest.
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